Sunday, June 29, 2008

Garden Time and Father's Day

We've planted a garden every year since we moved back to Iowa and every year the rabbits eat everything except the tomatoes. A bit discouraging. Last year we tried a little fence around the garden and the dog broke the fence, which let the rabbits in. This year, Paul outsmarted the dog and the rabbits with a super strong and spiffy fence and we finally get to enjoy some fruits of our labor. These pictures are of the girls with their peas that they happily munched on in the back yard. And yes, that utter peace and joy on Winky's face is over the peas she's got in her hands. But can I get them to eat them from the grocery way!

Here's two pictures from Father's Day. The girls both made very nice cards for their Daddy. Winky also made a frame at preschool that she was very proud to give to him.

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