Paul's missing out again while he's at work and Grandma and I took the girls out for another outing together. We all went to Cyro Baptista and Beat the Donkey which is a percussion group made up of people from all over the world but I think they originated in Brazil. They encouraged audience interaction and we made rain forest noises and sang and clapped along to the beat. It's really pretty amazing what people can make music out of.
We've been hanging out at home the rest of the afternoon and I had a few cute pictures to share. The girls love their dolls that Grandma gave them and here they're dressed as a butterfly fairy and in a pink ballgown. My girls are just about the girly-ist girly girls around. I don't quite know how that happened. I'm convinced it's some recessive gene that was passed on by my mother. They didn't get it from me and Paul seems somewhat shocked and horrified by all the pink, dolls and Barbies that over run the house. Someday someone will pick out something other than pink, I'm sure of it...until then, at least it makes sorting laundry for the girls easier. :) Winky can have a closet full of clothes but if all of her pink shirts are dirty, she'll come crying to me "Mommmmmy, I don't have nothing to weeeaaaar!!!!" Like the world will fall apart if something other than pink is worn. Poor child.

Penny loves to fetch the ball and she's always a ham for the camera. Here's a picture of her tongue and a picture of her beloved ball.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I wish all the Mom's out there a happy, hopefully peaceful day!