We spent my Mom's birthday at the beach and had a great time. Winky has a fear of either paddle boats or life jackets, not sure which, so she stayed on the shore, but Gussie got to go on a paddle boat ride with some close family friends. We all played in the water and the girls had a lot of fun in the sun. It's not San Diego, but it's about as close as Iowa can come to it.

Winky took a brief nap on the ride there and when she woke up she was in rare form. She can be a little strange sometimes.... It's oddly charming as long as there's no screaming involved.

Gussie was all smiles and ready for a great day.

Winky swimming with her ring. Both girls are taking swimming lessons right now and Gussie is close to being able to swim on her own but Winky still needs something to keep her afloat. She thinks she's a swimmer like the big girls.

Playing in the sand and making sand castles.
And last but not least, blowing out the candles on the cake.
Winky helped Grandma blow out the candles.